
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

J. Humes Introduction

Hello, my name is Jody Humes and I'm from San Francisco. I teach English at Carlmont high school in Belmont to grades 9-11. The majority of my students are enrolled in the school's business and technology academy program. Fun fact: The movie Dangerous Minds with Michelle Pfeiffer is based on the English teacher at Carlmont high school in the academy program. Though I have the Michelle Pfeiffer position, I haven't watched the entire movie...

I am very excited to be enrolled in this class. This is my eighth class in the EDTECH program, and I've come to realize that my favorite classes involve creating lessons that can be used in my classroom. So I'm hoping that EDTECH 513 will give me an opportunity to develop multimedia lessons that will spice up the curriculum. I'd like to expand my creative outlets and a course on multimedia might be just what I've been looking for.


  1. Can't wait to see the creative multimedia projects you will do this semester -- something tells me they are going to out-do Michelle Pfeiffer!

  2. Out-do Michelle Pheiffer?! I mean, sure... No problem. ; )

  3. Hi Jody, it was very nice to read your introduction. As you, I also enjoy a lot classes that help me produce material I can use in my classes, either face-to-face or online. I hope we can produce interesting material we can use in our teaching. I will check the movie!


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