
Monday, March 19, 2012

Tech Trek: Episode 1

This podcast series is titled “Tech Trek”, designed for my middle school technology class. The overall theme is to cover various technology related topics that connect to this age group and their lives. My focus is to use real life scenarios and add in a sprinkle of humor to keep them engaged in the given topic.

The topic of focus for episode one is Copyright Law. I focus in on illegal music downloads, using copywritten media in projects, Fair Use Law and the Public Domain. I decided to use an “advice line” type platform to make for a more engaging format and flow. The final segment of this podcast is called “You Be the Judge”, where we examine the legality of different theoretical scenarios. The hope is that my students will find the podcast fun and engaging enough to keep listening for the full 20 minutes!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tara,

    Nice work! Funky intro, good information, and hip presentation! Thinking about my own students (high school), I wonder if 20 minutes is too long to keep students' attention. I think I will try and limit future podcasts to 10 minutes, as I don't see my students paying attention for much longer than that.

    One thing that helped keep my interest was your audio effects during the examples. Also, posing questions to your audience was an effective rhetorical device. You also have a cool title!

    Good work!


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